Gemeinsam für Kinder

Breakthrough Leadership is an emerging paradigm designed to create an intrinsically motivated, learning organization that maximizes the triple bottom line of purpose, people and profit.

Breakthrough Leadership taps into the fundamental needs of both leader and follower for holistic well-being through purpose and belongingness; to create vision and value congruence across the individual, empowered team, and organization levels; and ultimately, to foster higher levels of employee well-being, organizational commitment, financial performance, and social responsibility – the triple bottom line.

Currently under the leadership of Boris Joaquin, President & Chief Equipping Officer, Breakthrough Leadership Management Consultancy, Inc has established an influence and network in the marketplace and also acquired Salt & Light Ventures to be it's learning events brand
Über uns

Save the Children

Save the Children ist die weltweit größte unabhängige Kinderrechtsorganisation. Seit 1919 setzt sich Save the Children für die Rechte von Kindern ein. Wir engagieren uns dafür, Kindern einen gesunden Start in ihr Leben, die Möglichkeit zu lernen und vor Schaden zu schützen. Wir tun alles, was es für Kinder braucht – jeden Tag und in Krisenzeiten – und verändern ihr Leben und die Zukunft, die wir teilen.