Rohingya Emergency Response

Rohingya Emergency Response

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The coming monsoon and possible cyclones will threaten the lives of hundreds of thousands of children and families.
At this exact moment, there are more than 900 000 Rohingya refugees threatened by the upcoming monsoon season in Bangladesh. More than half of them are children. Those children had to flee violence in Myanmar's Rakhine State having nothing more than clothes they wore and just couple of things they could grab in a hurry. They are tired, scared and very often severely traumatized. Now they are facing a second tragedy as the monsoon season has begun. The upcoming heavy weather is expected to destroy the makeshift shelters, flood roads, wash away bridges and create deadly landslides. As the largest independent children's rights organization, Save the Children is improving the living condition of the most deprived children worldwide and is providing lifesaving supports during emergencies, including this latest crisis in Bangladesh. Within this emergency response, we protect the most vulnerable children and their families by strengthening the critical infrastructure, providing food, access to clean water and health services and by enabling them to improve their shelters. But time for preparation is short as we know that within 24 hours of a deluge, roads in the camps can turn to mud which would make it almost impossible to further improve the infrastructures that protects these extremely vulnerable refugee communities. Our local teams are working nonstop to prepare for this "emergency in an emergency" and to save as many lives as possible. Here you can find more information on our emergency Rohingya refugee response. To continue our work and to follow our mission to support the most deprived children worldwide like the Rohingya refugees, we kindly ask you for your support. Any contribution makes a difference.

Really Nice Corporation

Let's help! Together with Save the Children we can save lives of the most vulnerable children in the world. The total amount donated by the employees, would be doubled by the RNC Global!

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